Saturday, April 23, 2011

Poetry Project, v 2.0, Day 23

Wow, with ten minutes left, and me just back from Easter Vigil Mass, I think it's about time that I write some poetry! This week has given me many things to think about regarding the theme, and so maybe I can get a few of them out here!

The winter is over,
life abounds in in the verdant spring,
from the new calves in the fields to the goslings -
follow the leader-ing through the ponds.
life is everwhere.
Today the Resurrection,
celebrated by many,
personal to me.

For I, too, am experiencing a re-birth,
knowing a better existence is there for me,
ready to take the journey, I have only to be not afraid.

My fear is at rest.
and I am strong.
I have endured.
Now, it is time to grow.

Happy Easter -
And thanks for reading.

The Fat Kid

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