Tuesday, January 1, 2019

So long, 2018.....

Well, it's a new year.  Again.  So here we are, all wondering what the next year will bring, and hoping for the best.  We all have plans for the things we want to accomplish - lose weight, get in better shape, finally get that monkey off our backs about this that or the next thing - our lists of things to accomplish are huge, and so many of them are unreasonable, but we do them anyway.  It's to the point where most people I know have given up making resolutions because they just do not see the point in it anymore.  Why do it at all?? 

I've been down that road and questioned it a lot.  They never seem to work out, so  why bother?  I have come to only one conclusion:  We do it because we have hope - and that hope is really what this entire holiday season is about.  We have hope that somehow, our next year will be better than this year.  Usually, it's through some action that we have directly taken that changes our world for the better, and so, we express that hope for a change by making a resolution and challenging ourselves to be the better people we wish we were.  Whether it's giving up a bad habit, or starting a good one, they are challenges, and they represent the hope of a new outlook on life. 

You may disagree.  That's fine.  It could very well be that you've already hit on your method for causing that change in your own life, and so you just don't feel the need to make a resolution.  That....well, that's pretty fantastic, and I am jealous of you!!  But there are countless people out there who are in some state of misery about some aspect of their lives, and they need that hope.  And what they need from the rest of us is encouragement.  What would the world be like if we encouraged each other more?  Just imagine what we might accomplish then?

As for me:

I need to read more.  I don't read half as much as I should.  Even if it's reading old things I have already read, I should do more reading.  Of all kinds, not just of a favorite genre.  I resolve to read more.

It's time.  It's time to finally get to work in writing the next book of my beloved project.  The planning is done.  The notes have been dug out of hibernation, the outline has been written.  In the next year, it's time to get the rough draft done.  The first clocks in around 170, 000 words.  This one should be a bit bigger, maybe in the 200-225,000 word range..  There are lots of things to accomplish in this part of the tale, and I'm looking forward to it.  I'm looking forward to providing my readers here with general updates on a frequent basis!

Shop projects:  This year was a pretty huge leap for me.  I've learned a lot, and have been able to do some really neat projects.  I look forward to continuing that process, and seeing just where I can grow in that arena as well. 

There will be the usual traveling, camping, and doing the various things that make up daily life as well, of course, and they should be fun.  Life is currently busy trying to figure out that schedule.  As always, it will be enjoyable and a wonderful adventure, especially with my wonderful adventuring partner, without whom, I fear I would be unable to even write this little note today.  I cannot wait to make all these new memories with her!!!

So those are my plans, my resolutions to help me be a better version of me.  Let's start this, 2019!!!!

May you all find the best versions of you in this coming year, may your resolutions be productive, and help you on your way.  And most of all -

Thanks for reading,
