Monday, December 17, 2012

2012, 5 days before the world ends...

OK, well, just in case those silly Mayans were right (predicting the end of the world, but not their own demise) I'm going to get my Christmas Greetings out to you all right now.  That way, no matter what happens, I'm covered as for getting this social norm out of the way.  Really, I'm not a Christmas card person.  I don't send that many, if any of them.  If I did, it would most likely include some bit of a form letter, and it would sound much like what you're reading right now.  So, as much as I love the post office for their inspiring forays into Hollywood, I'm going for the elctronic delivery method.  I hear all the cool kids are doing this.

It's hard to wrap my mind around the concept that another year has come and gone.  In some ways, It seems longer, and in others, the time is all too fleeting. I feel a bit like Charles Dickens when I say it was the longest year and the shortest year, but there you have it.  As it always does, the first half of my year went by pretty fast.  Before I knew it, the nice weather was upon me, and I got that old familiar itch:  it was time to ride.  As in 2011, I likewise had my place in the 2012 MS 150: Escape to the Lake assured, and raised money for the two-day event in early June.  More than anything, this means getting out and riding a lot.  in 2011, this meant a lot of riding on my own, and while there was still plenty of that this year, I also got in touch with some other riders and went out on several occcasions with them.  It's nice to extend my community of cycling friends to include those warriors for this event, and it's even more nice to realize that not only am I able to keep up with many of them....but in a lot of cases, it's them trying to keep up with me.  I guess that the difference between casual riders and racers.  Riders ride, racers go on rides and want to go faster.

My grandmother Mildred finished her mission in this life this summer.  At 94 years old, it was a good life, a mission accomplished.  At long last, she was reunited with my grandfather Joe.  It was both joyous and sad- the family gathered because of a loss, but yet, the renewal of family bonds was what both Joe and Mildred would have wanted:  just to know we were all ok. 

Summer was spent doing the usual: camping, enjoying the outdoors, small vacations here and there.  A discovery trip to a little town called Ohiopyle in SW PA was a blast, and I got to share this and a few other exploratory experiences with the best partner I could ask for.  See, it was shortly after the MS 150 that I met someone, and since then, my life has been an abundance of beauty and joy that I previously dared not hope to find.  With her, I have discovered the following:

Beauty in all things, including myself
Grace and compsure
patience and understanding
knowledge and kindness

and someone who makes me as much a part of her thoughts as I make her a part of mine.

In the last six months, I have done more living than I think I've done in the last couple years, and with every moment, it becomes more exhillerating, more clear to me, and more enjoyable.  Even those not-so-great moments end up looking pretty good.  Camping trips, meeting her family, sharing my family with her, traversing the culinary delights of different foods, beers, wines, liquors...these have filled my last six months. 

But, it's that time of year when we look back and remember, both with fondness and regret, the lessons that life has taught us.  As I look back, I find that this year, I would change nothing.  Even the bad things that happened, I would keep.  They have made this year full, exciting, and there were hidden joys in each moment that I would have otherwise missed. 

Life is good.

So, my wish for all of you is that 2013 be for you a time of peace, where you find your mind, heart, and spirit filled with grace and joy.  May you find your faith as only you can, and may your journey be fruitful.  May you know love of family.  May you know the love of a good man/woman (as befits your needs).  May you wake each day to new opportunities to grow, and may you seek out opportunities to help others do the same.

Thanks for reading,
The Fat Kid

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