Thursday, April 16, 2015

Poetry Challenge, V. 6.0, Days 15 and 16

There's only SO many days that I can write a poem in a row.  *sigh*  Well, here we are, we've made it halfway through, and we're still going strong.  Today, the Fat Kid is feeling a little pensive.  You know what that means - I shall attempt to write something deep, and probably only get about half of the thought actually down before I run out of steam, unless, of course, I keep these poems today extra short.  #sillypoettroubles.  I guess we'll see what happens!!

Living in the Sun

Radiance, shining brightly through the glass,
warming my face in the morning,
silken cords of light my sweet caress,
a tender and loving summons from my midnight world of dreams
breathes life into my day,
tethers me to the sky-chariot,
tracing a graceful arc through the heavens
in which I feel I am Apollo himself looking down upon the world.
For there is nothing that cannot be done while the
golden rays fall silently from above,
and there is no time such as this in which to do it.


Akimbo cattywampus
bumfuzzle hullabaloo
wishy-washy skedaddle
gobbledegook festooned
haberdashery befuddled
codswallop brouhaha
kerfuffle widdershins
Malarkey la-di-da

But her shirt read "Fitzwillies"
and in my childhood, it meant a silly game that only she and I ever played.

Thanks for reading!

The Fat Kid

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