Monday, April 3, 2017

Poetry project, V. 8.0, Days 1-3

Oops!!!  Well, April has come upon us fast and furiously!  For those of you playing along at home, you know what that means for me:  Yup, it's the 8th year of doing the poetry project!  What is that, precisely?  I'm glad you asked!!  Since it's already the third, I have some catching up to do!!!

The challenge is to create a brand new poem for each day of the month of April.  Yup, something new, each day.

What's the point?  While this largely depends upon how you view poetry, the point is to exercise the mind by tackling all kinds of things, philosophy, love, beauty, all that good stuff that makes up "life."

Why poetry?  Because there really aren't very many "rules" about poetry.  You can sort of make it up as you go along, unless, of course, you're sticking with a specific theme or form.  But then, that's sort of a personal decision, and the poet is in control of that decision.  Some of my stuff I like.  Some of it....not so much.  Not every experiment is a good one, or a successful one!  But it IS an experiment, and as can be said of so many things, it's the journey that is the goal.

Oh - so there's one more thing:  You are invited to take this journey with me.  No, not just read along, but write some of your own!  You don't have to do it every day - that's my challenge to me.  But I challenge you to break out that pen and paper, and put some words down.  Let it be whatever it will be.  There is no pressure to share it, but if you feel something is worth sharing, I will be more than happy to listen, read, and if you're comfy with it, even publish it here as a guest poet!!!  Now, let's get on to some verse!!!!


grace came to me,
not as i imagined,
but disguised as mercy.
in a smile and a nod,
a warm embrace of which i believed i wasn't worthy.
it took time to accept the truth:
worth is not how i hold myself,
but how others hold me.
and when i hold myself worthy of them,
and honor their view,
i see grace and beauty in its truest form.

i save the best thoughts for myself,
never to see the light of day,
never to be heard by anyone,
tucked away in the silence of my innermost self,
there to dwell, securely.

right next to them,
the worst ideas stay, too,
the ones that bring ridicule,
or would if i let them out,
but i dare not.

and though i think of them as safely tucked away,
they are at war with one another,
fighting to be entertained,
striving to be the thoughts that take prominence,
and always trying to get out.

and i cannot tell them apart.

lives touch,
for some, it's all too brief,
a small spark that ignites and burns too hot
and runs out of fuel.
for some, it's slowly,
a building passion and fire that sustains,
and demands to be fed -
but offers constancy and warmth.
and on those rare occasions, it's both -
a liquid flame that gets into you, 
warms from within,
and demands to be expressed between two souls,
fated to meet and spark together.

Well, that's it for today!!!!

As always,

Thanks for reading!!


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