Monday, April 1, 2019

Poetry Project, v.10.0 Day 1

Holy crap!  It's been ten years!!!!!  Ten years of poetry, of exploring, of writing, of growing - it's hard to believe it!  BUT, here I am, still going strong!

For those who have never followed, here's the challenge behind the poetry project: write an original poem every day for the month of April.  It's National Poetry Month, after all, and so the celebration of the written word and the imagination shall once again take place!!  Play along at home, or you can participate by sending me you poems!  You are under no obligation to do every day, or to even do them at all.  No topic is too off.  It can be anything you want - even risque, if you really want to go there - just know that if it is, it will come with warnings so those not wanting to read it will not find themselves reading things they don't want to see.

So bring on the poems!!!!!!

Today is opening day of baseball in Pittsburgh - and it is a balmy 30 degrees.  That is the inspiration of today's entry - the first of this year's challenge!!!  Batter up!!

opening day in Pittsburgh
sun shines today,
but if offers me no warmth,
winter's last hurrah in this,
the desolate green country between north and south,
between winter and spring,
when a forecast means little
and the prognostications of a rodent prove asinine.

but there is joy to be found,
when a crowd will roar for their heroes,
and the hopes of a city once again move 
to the shoulders of the boys of summer.

And as always,

Thanks for reading,

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