Thursday, April 28, 2016

National Poetry Month, V. 7.0, Day 28

Wow - it really is day 28 of 30 - the month has flown by, and the ideas are constantly coming at me!  That is, of course, one of the many benefits to doing this yearly exercise:  it stimulates the mind, and challenges me to come up with different ideas - or different ways to express old ideas, for that matter.  One of the most common images/ideas is that of water.  It's a basic human need, and we understand it intrinsically.  Countless poems about waves, storms, ships, calm seas, baptism, washing, floods, etc - forgive the obvious one here - it's like a (wait for it) TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR!  Yup - we're THAT close to it.  So if we're that close to it....maybe I'll write about it, too!!  That is my offering for today.

BUT WAIT - There's more!!!!!  Guest appearance today!!!  Yup, a reader has submitted some works for your perusal, and I am sharing them here because I like them - and someone took the risk of putting themselves out there to share themselves with me - they deserve to be rewarded.

On behalf of myself and my guest,

Thanks for reading,


to be as water -
the gentle rain that seeds the earth,
and the stinging blows of cold spring,
a peaceful glassy surface,
and the wind-ripped waves of the storm,
the life-giving flow of the river,
and the merciless flood as it pours ever downward -
all are within my grasp,
the form i take
is mine to choose,
and each day calls me to make that choice.
i have been them all,
and i know the spring that swells from deep within my soul.
i know my choice.


Ideas flow at midnight
upsetting my tired spirit,
tangling with my prayers,
sparring with each other
like dueling epees.
"En garde" they seem to say,
prepare for battle.
settle this once and for all,
which will be the victor?
Should the muse win over
the sandman?
Maybe tomorrow?
Oh, just get to it and see where it leads....

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