Wednesday, April 6, 2016

National Poetry Month, V. 7.0, day 6

So, yesterday afternoon wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold, either.  It was a nice day to spend a little time just sitting on a park bench.  I promptly got out my phone as I did so, and realized that I don't just sit very often.  I'd recently read an article where an acting student was told to "wait on a bench" as an exercise, and she couldn't do it.  She didn't know how to just "wait and do nothing."  So, with that being said, today's poem is about just that: sitting.  It's something I think I am going to have to work on.

Thanks for reading,


it sounds simple: to sit.
to remove the weight from one's legs,
and relax the body,
and enjoy the simple act of doing nothing
but sitting.
no phones,
no music,
no voices,
no books,
no activities.
just me and a bench in a park -
time to think,
time to reflect,
watch the people going by,
observe the birds flitting about,
see life unfold,
and understand -
what it means to sit.

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