Monday, April 16, 2018

Poetry Project, V. 9.0, Day 16

So I guess it's kind of a three-fer day, but I'm going to count it as an entirely new post on a new day. Why?  Because it makes me seem less lazy and like I'm really trying to do this, rather than like I remember it every couple of days and get to it when I can.  I mean, sure, I'm not getting paid to do this, but it is a challenge - it's not supposed to be easy, necessarily!

I've been doing a lot more working out, lately, trying to get in shape so that when summer does come - which may or may not happen sometime before November at this rate - i won't be trying to get in shape then, I will already mostly be there, and I can simply enjoy going out and doing the things.  Of course, this involves biking - it's me, after all - but also running, yoga, and a new one, a little bit of "barre."  Yup, some of that stuff dancers do.  No, it does not have me dressed in point shoes - it's kind of like yoga, really, with a slightly different focus.  It's a tough workout, for surprisingly simple moves.  But what makes it (and everything else, really) worth it is when you have a team or a partner with which to do it.  When you have that kind of a team - whether it's a best friend, a partner, a spouse, a parent, a coach - it's a special thing.  So, this one is about that kind of teamwork.

How to Spell

You hear it all the time -
"there's no 'i' in 'team'"
but that's wrong.
i don't want to run
i don't want to eat healthy
i don't want to yoga today,
i want to sleep
be lazy,
watch a movie,
anything but doing the work.
and that is where i need you -
to help me run,
get me to move,
wake me up
keep me pressing forward.
So there's an 'i' -
but there's a 'you' too.
and because of that,
the team is stronger.

Thanks for reading,


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