Sunday, April 22, 2018

Poetry Project, V.9.0, Days 19, 20, 21, 22

Oy I have to catch up!!  It's been a busy few days, and now that the spring weather has started to's gotten even busier!

Of course, I love to ride my bike, and getting out for some much needed wind in my face has been great.  The theme today is about the things I see and feel while on my ride.


rust and rot,
hollow places where windows used to be,
wrought iron held together
with the thick scales of time,
a stone mansion,
high walls holding in secrets,
like the inmates they used to keep.
i wonder what they think and see,
those spirits i can feel as i go by,
looking out,
screaming at me
to not be forgotten.

Smell  of the Wind

the wind smells fresh today,
it's a good spring wind,
cold, but sure,
it's looking for something -
and it hits my face,
questioning me,
wondering if i am it,
it fills my lungs and stings my eyes,
the sweetest inquisition.


they tick away,
one after the other,
as the wheels roll onward,
rhythm and momentum,
a cadence beating out in my mind,
an easy pace,
to hold all day,
ensure my exhaustion,
to sleep well,
after all the miles have been counted.


the warmth on my face
soothes me,
heals me,
empowers me,
spurs me onward,
trying to chase it,
catch it,
attain what i knew to be impossible once,
suddenly within my grasp,
even though i get burned,
i will chase it anyway,
until there is at last no strength
left in my bones.

OK, so after a couple days on the bike, this is kind of what it feels like to me to be on two wheels.  It's a little tough to get if it's not something you know or enjoy, but hey, that's me.  As always,

Thanks for reading,


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