WELCOME to the Fat Kid's blog!
OK, before we get started, there are a few quid pro quos we must get through, so the rules are as thus:
1) This is my blog, not yours. You don't have to agree with it. You don't even have to read it. If you're here, you're here by choice. Got it?
2) I have many hobbies, and you can expect to read about them all here from time to time. Mainly, I'm focusing on biking right now. Yes, that's right: a fat guy in spandex.
3) If you'd like to send me mail that is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, or you just want to talk further about something I post, you are welcome to do so. If you just want to be a pain and say something stupid like , "This blog sucks!", I refer you to rule number one. I didn't write that about your blog, so don't do it to me. Call it courtesy.
4) I am generally a peaceable fellow, but will go on rants and tirades every once in a while. Hey, I'm human. If any of these outbursts offends you, I deeply apologize - please know that unless you are named specifically (which I will try to not do, but may make a mistake) it's probably NOT about you. No offense, but since I'm not sure how many people will read this, and I probably don't know you in real life, then you probably don't impact my life enough to write about. Sorry, that's just the way it is.
5) Wherever this journey takes us, I hope to leave you laughing, smiling, and in all other ways, glad that you stopped by. So, take a minute, read the blog, laugh, cry, buy thet-shirt, see the movie, and eventually, you may get to meet me in person!
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