Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Na-No-Wri-Mo Here I Come....

OK, so, having failed so FABULOUSLY at my last daily writing attempt, I think I need to redeem myself. Hey lookey there - National Novel Writing Month is coming up in November! AND - I remembered it before October!!!!! I figure that if I can do National Poetry Month in April, NaNoWriMo ought to be a cinch! What's that, writing a novel in a month can't be done? Poppycock! Of course it can! Especially when the "contest" is really only 50,000 words. Yep, that's all I have to do - 50,000 words in thirty days. That's 1666.67 words per day, or roughly 70 words per hour.

Of course, the story can be as long as one likes, it doesn't have to END at 50k words. This is wonderful news for the Fat Kid, because his other novel...yep, THAT one...is roughly 170,000 words long. Clearly, complex plots that involve a lot of explanation are nothing I fear. But here's the shocker for ya. This one...this one isn't fantasy literature.

SHOCK!!! GASP!!! WTH??????

Yes, kiddos, you heard me correctly - the Fat Kid is exposing himself to new and varied genres, and you know what happens when the Fat Kid exposes himself!! (A humble thank-you to Bill Murray and Harold Ramis for that little gem.) But seriously, I think in more terms than just fictional worlds full of dragons and orbs and outlaws and psionic half-men, and since I have this idea in my head, I thought I should try and get it down on digital paper - and at least get it out of my head.

But wait - did you say that this is happening in November? Why, yes I did, dear reader - how astute an observer you are!! Yes, the tules state that I cannot begin the creating of text until November the 1st, but I can create outlines, graphs, charts, storyboards, plot diagrams, and have copious amounts of notes at my disposal beforehand. So, not only will I be exploring a new kind of genre, but I am also going to approach it a different way: prepare everything first, THEN jump in!!!! For those just sent into diabetic shock/collapse at this notion (yeah, you know who I'm talking about, you Elf) stuff it. It's only because of the truncated time schedule that I'm doing it this way. We'll talk.

So...FEEL FREE TO PESTER ME. Yep, ask questions, get me talking. Seriously, it helps in the writing process. 90% of writing is thinking, and the more I'm forced to talk about this, the more I'll think about it and the various problems that will come up with my plot. The more I think about it, the more I'll solve.

Thanks for reading,

The Fat Kid

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