Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Men In Black needs to be a real entity...

Aside from the fact that it would be awesome to have Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith running around covered in interstellar bug guts, wielding obnoxiously chromed weapons that couldn't possibly exist and blowing up half of Manhatten, I'm really more excited about the possibility of everyone being put in a 36-hour day.

See, the Fat Kid needs a 36 hour day, just to be able to get to do all the things he wants to do. There's biking, of course, and writing, and woodcarving, and cooking, and playing chess, plus the occasional hour or two of sleep and one HAS to work (unfortunately, no one has volunteered to make me independently wealthy as of yet) and if there's any way I'm going to be able to get all this stuff in, 36 hours in the day ought to cover it. Heck, I'll even move to Jupiter, where the days are longer and there are MORE OF THEM! Huzzah!

But in this overindulgent age of movie series that go on for far too long (I'm looking at you, Michael Bay and Optimus Prime) I vote for MIIIB: Interstellar Black. I can see the tagline for the movie poster now: "The neighborhood just got a lot bigger." We can even scrimp on the actors and just hire nobodys and say that Agents J and K had to go through the 7-yr-identity-concealer in order to keep functioning. Hey, it worked in the last "Matrix" film. BRILLIANT. Now, step three: profit. Just wait for the mega bucks to come a-rolling in. After 70 minutes of special effects and 20 minutes of actual script, it'll be perfect for what Hollywood likes to package and sell for $10 a ticket. We might even be able to use stock footage for it!!!!! THere's got to be some cutting-room floor stuff left over from the first two films we can use! After all, why care about making good movies, since The Academy and Hollywood haven't cared about that in so long?

Cut. Print. Perfect. New plan: Use the extra hours in the day to spend all the moolah that rolls in from this new venture. domination is in my future!!! Unfortunately, I'll probably have to start in that big red storm thing on Jupiter, where nothing can survive...*sigh* Baby steps.

Thanks for Reading,

The Fat Kid

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