Monday, April 23, 2012

3rd Annual Poetry Challenge, #22 and #23

What a weekend - lots of family, friends, all sorts of things afoot, and it was a ll a wonderful time.  It's a thing I don't hear too often in this world, but you knwo something?  I LOVE MY FAMILY.  That's right - I'm sure a lot of people really really do love their family, and they just don't say it a lot, but I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops right now:  I LOVE MY FAMILY.  All of ya:  I don't care where you are in this world, what you're doing - if you're a part of my family, I love ya!  Tons.  Bunches.  And I don't say it enough.  And if this is too sappy for anyone to read - well, phooey on you, and I hope that someday, you find a family to whom you can say the same thing.

But hey, let's have some poetry, huh?  I mean, that IS why you're here, right??? 


The miles stretch fore and aft,
endless highways of which I will only travel a part,
twists and turns that cannot be planned,
but seem normal and unavoidable if you
only look at the larger picture.

One cannot move the mountain,
but to get to the other side,
you simply find a way.
How doesn't matter - you must.

Like the sea, undulating landscapes
are the waves upon which I travel,
this land-sea my home,
it is here when I can be alone with my thoughts,
where life begins to make sense.

One cannot control the oceans,
but to traverse them,
you simply must endure.
How doesn't matter - you must.

OK, I actually had this one half-written yesterday, on time, but had to finish it this morning.  Now, since I missed a day, here's your 2-fer:


Alarm.  Snooze.
You have to,
I'm tired.
You were up to late.
Had stuff to do.
You can't keep going like this.
Watch me.
You'll get sick.
No time for that.
Why do you rush?
Too much on my plate.
You don't take time to enjoy it.
It's not for me.
You're hopeless.
I know.
I'll shut down.
No, you won't.
Same time tomorrow?

Ugh - some mornings, it's just how I feel.

Thanks for reading,
The Fat Kid

1 comment:

Adam said...

First: Nice nature imagery once again, within the context of traveling. Interesting refrain you come back to in the final lines of each stanza. Maybe a little brooding, or disengaged?

Second: Wasn't sure if you were including a second voice again. Could be. Or two halves in the whole, the conversation we've all had with our selves at the break of day. I like the form you have, especially the ending few lines. Gives a nice...feeling to the whole.