Thursday, April 5, 2012

3rd Annual Poetry Challenge, #5

Ahhh, a day off, and it takes me this long to get to the poem of the day? Well, better a tiny bit later in the day than making all you petry fans wait for a double-up tomorrow, right? After all, I know how much you all look forward to my daily dose of drivel! Some encouraging comments thus far, and for them, I thank you all!


So tricky-
reaching out away from the body
both hands needed
the saw moves unsteadily,

back and forth
the blade cutting through the branch
back and forth.
It nears the end and I know the
branch is about to give way.

My perch still secure for a moment longer,
what if it kicks?

I hope no children are watching this.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Always use two hands on the ladder.
Never lean out.
Never turn around backwards.
Never use a saw this way.



I reach and cut the next branch.
Leaning out away from the safety of the rungs.

Thanks for reading,

The Fat Kid


Adam said...

A nice moment captured. A little playful, if only a little. Reflective, too, in a different way than your other poems so far. Interesting usage of space. What are you trying to convey with it?

Bill said...

Take a look at the title again. Then look at the spacing and ask if there's a correlation?