Saturday, April 3, 2021

Poetry Project V11.0 day 3

 Happy day 3!  

In looking at self-care, there's a tough part: it's usually on your own.  If you're lucky, there's an understanding person in your life who gets it and helps you, but even that is a tricky business.  That life-balance of trying to get the self-care you need while still filling all the other required spaces in your life - romantic relationships, kids, pets, work, faith, friends - is really tough.  Sometimes, it requires knowing not only when to get self-care....but when to stop and "take one for the team" so that others can care for themselves, too.  I was originally going to put this topic at the end of the week to close it out, but I thought of a different approach that I like better.  I find that the rhythm is more suited to me this way.  

Mainly, I want to point out that we all experience the world from an egocentric point of view - and this cannot be helped.  It's no sin, and it doesn't mean that we are bad people or anything like that.  All living organisms do this.  Us, too.  but the important gauge of self-care is to know when you need it, and when you don't have to seek it, even if you want to.  It's about knowing what our limits are, acknowledging them, and getting not only what we need when we need it, but making sure not to go too far in that search, too.

But with that said, let's get on to some verse!!

Sacrificing Me

i'm awake, and it's early.
the sun isn't even up yet
and i am itching,
there's a project i want to work on
in the shop and i 
have been waiting
to get into it.
it's saturday.
i can spend the whole day on it.
hide away from the world 
and just focus on this.
i'll feel amazing afterwards,
a win for me.

i look to the basement door, longingly,
knowing it's just that easy,
until it comes time to stop.
"Just a few minutes" turns into an hour...or two.
i don't know how.
but i know it will happen today - i can feel it.
and moreover, i know 
that it can't happen today.
today, "i" am less important than "we."

so i walk away from the door, 
the project will sit for another day,
left waiting for me,
calling and beckoning,
and though i feel it,
i will choose something else,
because that matters more, today.

     There is a time for everything.  And just as there is a time for us, individually, there is a time when we must be more that just, "I."  In terms of self-care, it's important to know when to seek it, and when to put it aside for other things.  Strike a balance.  I hope you all find balance in your day today, and going forward.  What will tomorrow bring??  Tune in to find out!!!

Thanks for reading,

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